We provide tailor made advice and assistance to our private clients to take up residence in Malta, both from an immigration and residence and also from a tax perspective. We have been granted authorization by the International Tax Unit to act as an Authorized Registered Mandatory (ARM) to assist clients in preparing and submitting their applications for residence in Malta under one of the various tax residence schemes applicable to both EU and non EU nationals.

Our Immigration and Residence services include:

  • Preparation and submission to the International Tax Unit / Community Malta Agency of applications for residence and citizenship in Malta;
  • Advice and assistance on the best scheme to take up residence in Malta. Both from a tax and also from an immigration perspective, taking into account one’s own particular needs and circumstances;
  • Liaison with the Maltese tax and immigration authorities;
  • Advice and assistance in connection with various immigration issues.

Citizenship and Residence

Tax Programs

Only a registered agent can submit an application under the above mentioned residency and tax programs. We are licensed as an accredited agent with the license number KM-MEJL for the Residence & Citizenship Programs and may assist you with your application and with any immigration, tax and legal requirements.

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